Worship Ambassadors

Our Worship Ambassadors were set up in September 2022. Our Worship Ambassadors come from KS1 and KS2


Our role is to:
Help the school evaluate collective worship annually

  • Find ways to develop the school’s Christian character
  • Support our school as we learn and live out our values
  • Lead worship with music, singing, drama, prayers and biblical stories


In 2021 - 2022, we aim to 

  • Have regular meetings to discuss Worship Matters and plan for next steps for the Ambassadors
  • Review our school Collective Worship page to include information on what we do
  • Plan at least one Collective Worship by the Ambassadors
  • Support worship in Church at key events of the year – Christmas, Easter and End of School Year
  • Design a web page on school’s website
  • Create a guidance leaflet for visitors who lead worship
  • Finding out about the views of pupils and parents


Our latest project: becoming a Fairaware school

Did you know, that before breakfast, you have depended on more than half of the World?

The Worship Ambassadors have been investigating and researching the work of the Fairtrade Organisation.  We are hoping to become a 'Fairaware School' 

This is because:

  1. We want to help farmers and their families.
  2. We want farmers to receive a fair price for their goods.
  3. We want to stop the exploitation of farmers in some countries.

We want to change a lot of the food/goods, we use, in school to fair trade.  Our plan is as follows:

  • This will start with coffee and tea for staff. From now on, Mrs Hartley will be purchasing fair trade food for the staff room.
  • We will hold a school Collective Worship in May to share Fair trade with the school.
  • The week beginning the 13th June will be our school ‘Fairtrade week’. All classes will participate in a range of activities. On Friday, there will be a sale where children will sell something they have made – from Fairtrade products at a fair price. 
  • We have asked teachers to ensure they purchase Fairtrade treats for the classroom from now on.

Eventually, we hope to become a 'Fairtrade School'.


Church Food Bank

In February 2022, we discovered that our local food bank (linked to the local church) was struggling to meet the demands of the local community and we decided to step in and help.  We wrote letters to our parents - requesting support.

Letter for the food bank.png


Each Thursday afternoon, we hold a 'bring a tin' event to raise much needed resources for this worthy cause.  The food bank have been extremely grateful.


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Find Us

Nelson St Philip's CE Primary School

Leeds Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 9TQ

School Bursar

T: 01282 614463

E: head@st-philips.lancs.sch.uk

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