Admission Arrangements
If you have a child due to start primary school in September 2023, the application process has commenced, please click the link below to submit a late application.
We welcome prospective parents to view the school. Please contact the school office to make an appointment. Tel no 01282 614463.
If you require any further information, please look at the class pages and the news/events page on this website, to look at the fabulous learning and wide range of events that our pupils have participated in.
Should you need any help, support or guidance, the Pupil Access Office at Lancashire County Council can be contacted on 01254 220747.
In Year Applications
If you wish to make an In Year Application, please contact school directly and complete the initial application form below.
If we have a space available in the requested year group you will have the opportunity to look around school and ask any questions you may have. School will then contact your child's current school to confirm your child's details and to agree an appropriate transition phase or starting date. Transitions usually happen at the beginning of the next half term. Occasionally, earlier starting times can be negotiated, but this is only in agreement with both schools.
If we do not have a space available in the requested year group, you will then have the right to make an 'In Year' appeal. Your children's details will be placed on our waiting list. If a place becomes available, each application is considered in line with our admission policy and distances calculated in a straight line from the current address the child resides at to the front of school.
We have a statutory duty to inform the LA of all enquiries and allocation of places to ensure that no child is classed as CME - Child Missing in Education.
Admission Appeal Information
There are two kinds of appeals:
- Entry into Reception
- In Year appeals for a place in Years 1-6.
We always advise that you speak to the school office or Headteacher first before submitting an appeal for a place, this is to ensure you have all the necessary information prior to deciding on whether to make an appeal or not.
All Key Stage One classes are bound by class size prejudice, which means that legally schools cannot take more than 30 children into an infant class unless there are exceptional circumstances. e.g. Children Looked After or Looked After Child.
Key Stage Two classes are not bound by class size prejudice, although we as a school, will make a case against an increase in class sizes in order to ensure high quality education can be provided to all.
If you have not been awarded a place in EYFS and you wish to make an appeal for entry into Reception Class in September, please contact Lancashire County Council directly:
Local Authority Appeals Team Tel: 01772 536776 emails:
If you wish to make an In Year Appeal for Year Groups 1-6, please contact school directly. We will provide you with the necessary paperwork. Once completed school will submit this to the Local Authority Appeals Team:
Tel: 01772 536776 emails:
School uses the Local Authority Appeals Team to organise appeal hearings and paperwork. They will contact you directly with the time and date of your appeal hearing. Please note that due to the high volume of calls and emails submitted to the Local Authority Appeals Team, they need to prioritise all enquiries and will try and respond to your requests within 5 working days wherever possible.
The current proposals for Admission Appeals to be heard in line with the DFE Guidance has been agreed and further advise can be found on LCC web pages – please follow link:-