Class Towneley

Click the images to take you to the pages:



Remote Education 10th March 2023

Relative Clauses

Year 4 Maths - Factors

Year 4 Maths - Factors

Year 4 - Times Tables Challenge

Year 5 Maths - Regular and Irregular Polygons

Times Tables Rock Stars 

Diary Entry Task

Reading Task 1

Reading Task 2

Reading Task 3

Remote Education W/B Monday 1st March 2021

Remote Education 05.03.21

Author and Illustrator Academy  Learn about the creators of our chosen World Book Day book

World Book Day Competitions  Keep checking this page for weekly competitions


Remote Education 04.03.21 

Author and Illustrator Academy  Learn about the creators of our chosen World Book Day book

Catherine Johnson in conversation with Nicolette Jones live @ 11am on Thursday 4 March For Years 5 and 6

Daniel Morden live at 1:30pm  For years 5 and 6

World Book Day 'Books that make you LOL!' link Watch LIVE from 10:30am Wednesday 3rd March

World Book Day Competitions. Keep checking this page for weekly competitions  

Remote Education 03.03.21

Remote Education 02.03.21

Remote Education 01.03.21


Remote Education W/B Monday 22nd February 2021

Year 4 Maths Masters. A challenge for each day in February!

Year 5 Maths Masters A challenge for each day in February!

Remote Education 26.02.21

Introduction and Chapter 1

Chapters 2 and 3



Remote Education 25.02.21

English - reading of Chapters 2 and 3 (short chapters)

English - using inverted commas video

Maths quiz


Remote Education 24.02.21

English clip - reading of Introduction and Chapter 1 (with pictures) Chapter 1 starts at 4 minutes

Science clip 1

Science clip 2

Science clip 3

Science clip 4


Remote Education 23.02.21

Remote Education 22.02.21


Remote Education W/B Monday 8th February 2021

Year 4 Maths Masters. A challenge for each day in February!

Year 5 Maths Masters A challenge for each day in February!

Remote Education 12.02.21 (Click to open)


Remote Education 11.02.21 (Click to open)

Remote Education 10.02.21 (Click to open)

Remote Education 09.02.21 (Click to open)

Remote Education 08.02.21 (Click to open)

Cool Astronomy  (Click to open) You will need this for English today

Video for RE  Find out more about Parables in the Bible


Remote Education W/B Monday 1st February 2021

Remote Education 05.02.21 (Click to open)

Remote Education 04.02.21 (Click to open)

Remote Education 03.02.21 (Click to open)

English - article to read today Solar System facts - facts about the Sun

English - 2nd article to read today ESA Tim Peake: How do you do a spacewalk?

Remote Education 02.02.21 (click to open)

Remote Education 01.02.21 (Click to open)


Remote Education W/B Monday 25th January 2021

Remote Education 29.01.21 (Click to open)

Remote Education 28.01.21 (Click to open)

Remote Education 27.01.21 (Click to open)

Science clip 1 What makes noise sound higher or lower?

Science clip 2 Making sounds with different pitches

Science clip 3. What is pitch?  Various activities

Remote Education 26.01.21 (Click to open)

Remote Education 25.01.21 (Click to open)


Remote Education W/B Monday 18th January 2021

Remote Education 22.01.21 (Click to open)

Remote Education 21.01.21 (Click to open)

Mummification clip (Click to open)

Remote Education 20.01.21 (Click to open)

ET story for English (Click to open)

Sound clip for Science (Click to open)

Remote Education 19.01.21 (Click to open)

Year 4 equivalent fractions help video  (Click to open)

Year 5 improper fractions help video  (Click to open)

RE help with Parables clip (Click to open)

The Good Samaritan clip (Click to open)

Parable of the Lost Sheep clip (Click to open)

Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Click to open)

Remote Education 18.01.21 (Click to open)

Video to help year 5 with equivalent fractions (Click to open)

Pandora Discovered clip for English (Click to open)


Remote Education W/B Monday 11th January 2021

Remote Education 15.01.21 (Click to open)

Remote Education 14.01.21 (Click to open)

Clip for English 14.01.21(Click to open)

Remote Educaton 13.01.21 (Click to open)

Science fiction stories. You will need these for English

Maths year 4 13.01.21

Maths year 5 13.01.21

Answer booklet   Answers for Maths and Comprehension

Science lesson 13.01.21

Science clip to watch 13.01.21

Remote Education 12.01.21 (Click to open)

The Fun They Had You will need this for English 

Maths year 4 12.01.21

Maths year 5 12.01.21

Worship 12.01.21

Remote Education 11.01.21 (Click to open)

Year 4 maths 11.01.21

Year 5 maths 11.01.21

Roman Numerals help sheet  This help sheet is suitable for both year 4 and year 5

The Arrival text for English

The Pet Snatchers text for English

The Day An Alien Came To Visit text for English


Remote Education Friday 8th January 2021

Remote Education 08.01.21 (Click to open)

The Fun They Had  You will need this text for English

Year 5 maths

Year 4 maths - see 'Remore Education' pack


Remote Education Thursday 7th January 2021

Worship 07.01.21

The Black Hat clip

The Black Hat activities  There are enough activities here to last until tomorrow (Friday)

Year 4 maths lesson

Year 5 maths lesson 

Fluent in 5 Year 4 - complete days 3 & 4

Fluent in 5 Year 5 - complete days 3 & 4

Year 4 Maths Masters - complete today's challenge 

Year 5 Maths Masters - complete today's challenge 

60 second read

60 second read answers

reading comprehension

reading comprehension answers

Egyptian art

Egyptian hieroglyphs - you will need this as part of the art work


Remote Education 05.01.21 and 06.01.21


Blackburn Diocese worship - Epiphany 06.01.21 



The Black Hat clip

The Black Hat activities  There are enough activities here for the next 3 days.  Don't complete them all on the first day! 


Reading comprehension

Roald Dahl group's task

Roald Dahl answers

Jacqueline Wilson & David Walliams groups task

Jacqueline Wilson & David Walliams groups answers

Michael Morpurgo & Louis Sachar groups task

Michael Morpurgo & Louis Sachar groups task answers


Spelling activities

Year 4 spellings 05.01.21

Year 5 spellings 05.01.21

Personalised spellings - Everyone was sent home with a list of spellings that are personalised (eg spellings that you need to work on following assessment).  These have also been emailed to all parents. 

  • Check you know the meanings of any new words.
  • Can you put each word into a sentence?

Below are the spellings that your child is working on in school throughout the academic year:

Year 3/4 statutory spellings 

Year 5/6 statutory spellings

  • Choose 10 to learn at a time.
  • Check you know the meanings of any new words.
  • Can you put each word into a sentence?

Remote Education from January 2021

Message from Mrs Barnes:

Dear Class Towneley, 

Unfortunately, we have once again found ourselves in a nationwide lockdown, which means I need you to continue your learning at home.  Find details of your learning below.  Please email me at if you need help, want to ask a question or want to send pictures of your work or activites completed.  

Please stay safe at home and look after each other during this time.  

Mrs Barnes smiley

Mental Maths

The activities below are designed to last 5 days.  Don't complete them all in one go!  

Fluent in 5 Year 4

Fluent in 5 Year 5

Rapid Reasoning - Year 5 

Rapid Reasoning - Year 4 


Maths Masters

These challenges will last you the whole month of January.  Can you be a Maths Master?

Year 4 Maths Masters 

Year 5 Maths Masters


Maths puzzles and problems

Have a go at one of these challenges each day.  This will help you to develop your problem solving skills. 

There are 25+ challenges, so plenty to choose from! 

Year 4 puzzles 

Year 5 puzzles 


Useful websites to help practise Mental Maths:

TT Rockstars Can you beat your current score?
5-a-day Have a go at the bronze, silver, gold or platinum challenges.  How many can you complete?

Marlon's Magical Maths Mission Help Marlon defeat the evil beasts with your multiplication knowledge!

Top Marks times tables games 



Science skills


History sessions

This half term, we are going to be learning about life in Ancient Egypt.  Can you create a timeline which shows when the Ancient Egyptians lived and where this fits in with other historical periods?  (Think about our time line in class).  

Some of the other periods you may wish to include in your timeline:

  • Pendle Witches
  • Tudors
  • Romans
  • World War 1 
  • World War 2 
  • Islamic Civilisation 
  • Stone Age
  • Bronze age


Who were the Ancient Egyptians?

Ancient Egyptian roles


PE sessions

Just Dance
Cosmic Kids' Yoga

Zumba Kids


Home Learning week beginning Monday 23th November

Message from Mrs Barnes:  

Thank you to the families who joined me on the phone for Parent's Evening last week.  

I have seen some brilliant work this week from the children - it has been great to see what they have been up to.  

Please email me at if you need help, want to ask a question or want to send pictures of your work or activites completed.  

Please stay safe at home and look after each other during this isolation period.  

Mrs Barnes smiley


Maths sessions 

Monday Year 4 written methods multiplication

Monday challenges - Year 4  complete these after you've worked through the lesson powerpoint!

Monday Year 5 counting in fractions

Monday challenges - Year 5

Tuesday Year 4 

Tuesday Year 5 

Wednesday Year 4

Wednesday Year 5 


Mental Maths sessions

The activities below are designed to last one week.  Don't complete them all on Monday!  

Day 1 = Monday 

Day 2 = Tuesday and so on...

Fluent in 5 Year 4 

Rapid Reasoning Year 4

Fluent in 5 Year 5 

Rapid Reasoning Year 5 


Maths puzzles and problems

Have a go at one of these challenges each day.  This will help you to develop your problem solving skills. 

Year 4 puzzles 

Year 5 puzzles 


Useful websites to help practise Mental Maths:

TT Rockstars Can you beat your current score?
5-a-day Have a go at the bronze, silver, gold or platinum challenges.  How many can you complete?

Marlon's Magical Maths Mission Help Marlon defeat the evil beasts with your multiplication knowledge!

Top Marks times tables games


Reading sessions 

Monday Roald Dahl group

Roald Dahl group answers

Monday Jacqueline Wilson and David Walliams groups

Reading task answers

Monday Michael Morpurgo and Louis Sachar groups 


Tuesday Roald Dahl group

Roald Dahl group answers

Tuesday Jacqueline Wilson and David Walliams groups

Tuesday answers Jacqueline Wilson and David Walliams groups 

Tuesday Michael Morpurgo and Louis Sachar groups

Tuesday answers Michael Morpurgo and Louis Sachar 

Tuesday poems   EVERYONE - please continue to learn these two poems by heart.  Can you add actions?

Wednesday Roald Dahl group

Wednesday answers Roald Dahl

Wednesday Jacqueline Wilson & David Walliams

Wednesday answers Jacqueline Wilson & David Walliams

Wednesday Michael Morpurgo & Louis Sachar

Wednesday answers Michael Morpurgo & Louis Sachar


English sessions 

Our work this week will be based on the clip 'The lighthouse'.  

The Lighthouse clip

English tasks Monday

English tasks Tuesday

English tasks Wednesday


Science sessions 

Wednesday Science lesson

Science tasks Wednesday


Spelling sessions

Monday spelling tasks Year 4

Monday spellings tasks Year 5

Hyphens Year 5 

Tuesday spelling task Year 4 

Tuesday spelling task Year 5 


Personalised spellings 

Everyone was sent home with a list of spellings that are personalised (eg spellings that you need to work on following assessment).  These have also been emailed to all parents. 

  • Check you know the meanings of any new words.
  • Can you put each word into a sentence?

Below are the spellings that you will be working on throughout the next year:

Year 3/4 statutory spellings 

Year 5/6 statutory spellings

  • Choose 10 to learn at a time.
  • Check you know the meanings of any new words.
  • Can you put each word into a sentence?


RE sessions 

RE Monday task

Nelson Mandela 

Nelson Mandela information

Nelson Mandela quotes 

RE Tuesday task

The Christmas Story


French sessions 

French Monday


Home Learning week beginning Monday 16th November

Update from Mrs Barnes

As our bubble has now had to close, we will be having a period of home learning for the next two weeks.  I will add tasks on here for you to complete at home. 

Please email me at if you need help, want to ask a question or want to send pictures of your work or activites completed.  

Please stay safe and look after each other during this isolation period.  

I cannot wait to see you all when we are back together again in class.  

Mrs Barnes smiley



Worship 19.11.20

Wednesday Worship from Blackburn Diocese

Joseph the dreamer


Maths sessions

Monday Year 4 nine times tables 

Monday challenges Year 4  - complete these after you've worked through the lesson powerpoint!

Monday Year 5 common factors

Monday challenges Year 5 - complete these after you've worked through the lesson powerpoint!

Tuesday Year 4 multiplying by 1 and 0

Tuesday challenges Year 4  - complete these after you've worked through the lesson powerpoint!

Tuesday Year 5 Prime Numbers 

Tuesday challenges Year 5 - complete these after you've worked through the lesson powerpoint!

Wednesday Year 4 multiplying three numbers together

Wednesday challenges Year 4 complete these after you've worked through the lesson powerpoint!

Wednesday Year 5 Square numbers 

Wednesday challenges Year 5 complete these after you've worked through the lesson powerpoint!

Thursday Year 4 dividing by 1 

Thursday challenges Year 4 complete these after you've worked through the lesson powerpoint!

Thursday Year 5 cube numbers

Thursday challenges Year 5 complete these after you've worked through the lesson powerpoint!

Friday Year 4 using different strategies to multiply

Friday challenges Year 4 complete these after you've worked through the lesson powerpoint!

Friday Year 5 division

Friday challenges Year 5 complete these after you've worked through the lesson powerpoint!


Mental Maths sessions

The activities below are designed to last one week.  Don't complete them all on Monday!  

Day 1 = Monday 

Day 2 = Tuesday and so on...

Rapid Reasoning Year 4

Rapid Reasoning Year 5 

Fluent in 5 Year 4

Fluent in 5 Year 5


Useful websites to help practise Mental Maths:

TT Rockstars Can you beat your current score?
5-a-day Have a go at the bronze, silver, gold or platinum challenges.  How many can you complete?

Marlon's Magical Maths Mission Help Marlon defeat the evil beasts with your multiplication knowledge!

Top Marks times tables games



Monday spelling tasks Year 4

Monday spelling tasks Year 5 

Tuesday spelling tasks Year 4 

Tuesday spelling task Year 5  Play ‘Hunt the mistake’. How many errors can you find in these signs?  

Friday spelling task Year 4

Year 3/4 statutory spellings 

Friday spelling task Year 5

Year 5/6 statutory spellings


Personalised spellings - Everyone was sent home with a list of spellings that are personalised (eg spellings that you need to work on following assessment).  These have also been emailed to all parents. 

  • Check you know the meanings of any new words.
  • Can you put each word into a sentence?


Below are the spellings that your child will be working on throughout the next year:

Year 3/4 statutory spellings 

Year 5/6 statutory spellings

  • Choose 10 to learn at a time.
  • Check you know the meanings of any new words.
  • Can you put each word into a sentence?


English sessions

Our work this week will be based on the clip 'Catch it'.  Watch the clip and complete some of the activities below: 

'Catch it' clip

Activities to complete

Please do not complete all these activities at once - this unit is designed to last 5 days.  


Reading sessions 

Monday Reading Comprehension - learn about the Hindu celebration of Diwali

Roald Dahl group - complete the 1 star activities 

Jacqueline Wilson group - complete the 2 star activities 

David Walliams, Michael Morpurgo and Louis Sachar groups - complete the 3 star activities

Tuesday reading activity This is a poem that our class need to learn as part of this year's Nativity.  Learn the poem and perform it with actons.  You may wish to draw a map to help you with this.   

Wednesday Reading Comprehension - learn about Ruby Bridges as part of Black History Month 

Roald Dahl group - complete the 1 star activities 

Jacqueline Wilson group - complete the 2 star activities 

David Walliams, Michael Morpurgo and Louis Sachar groups - complete the 3 star activities

Thursday reading activity This is the second poem that our class need to learn as part of this year's Nativity.  Learn the poem and perform it with actons.  You may wish to draw a map to help you with this.  

Friday reading activity 

Roald Dahl group - complete the 1 star activities 

Jacqueline Wilson group - complete the 2 star activities 

David Walliams, Michael Morpurgo and Louis Sachar groups - complete the 3 star activities


Further reading activities

Please also continue to read your home reader / a book from home for at least 30 minutes each day.  Using your chosen text, complete some of the activities below: 

Reading Journal activities


Art sessions

Friday's lesson

Famous women


Geography sessions

Thursday's lesson

Resources for Thursday 

Thursday's work to complete  Use these templates as an example of how to present your work - you may wish to set your work out in a different way.


Other Geography tasks

1)  Create a project based on our new topic of USA.

Things you may wish to consider: 

  • Where is the USA?  
  • What are the capital cities of North America
  • How long does it take to travel to the USA?  (You could have a go at investigating how many hours travelling time it would take / costs of travel / route of travel)
  • What is the climate like in North America and South America
  • Popular attractions in the USA (consider human and physical geography)
  • Create an information leaflet about a tourist attraction in the USA. 
  • Time zones of North America and how these compare to other time zones around the world.
  • Research the human and physical geography of a particular North American country.

2)  Create a quiz based on the USA.  


Science sessions

Wednesday's lesson

Wednesday's work 


RE sessions

Tuesday's lesson What does God look for in people's hearts?  


Art & DT sessions

Create a model of a USA famous monument (eg Empire State Building, The White House, Statue of Liberty etc).  


PE sessions

Just Dance
Cosmic Kids' Yoga

Zumba Kids


Home Learning Summer 2020

Summer fun!


Welcome to our home learning zone! 

Here you will find all your daily home learning tasks. 

Remember, you can email me at if you need help, want to ask a question or want to send pictures of your work or activites.  

Click here to access our new Class Blog!  

Mrs Barnes smiley


Home Learning Tasks week beginning Monday 13th July

Have a go at the July challenges.  How many can you complete throughout the month?  

July words for writing

July Maths Masters


This week, we will be loking at the theme of 'moving up',  Work through the activities below throughout this week: 

Year 5 weekly theme challenges 

Year 5 learning pack 

Year 4 weekly theme challenges

Year 4 learning pack 

Year 4 text for the week 'The Worst Class In The World'


Daily Mental Maths 

Year 4 Fluent in 5 Mental Maths 

Year 5 Fluent in 5 Mental Maths


Monday 13th July

Monday challenges

Year 5 Maths Converting units of measure

Year 4 Maths Geometry draw on a grid

Year 4 reading comprehension

Year 5 reading comprehension


Tuesday 14th July

Tuesday challenges

Year 4 reading comprehension

Year 5 reading comprehension

Year 5 Maths metric and imperial measures

Year 4 Maths  complete a symmmetric figure

Continue the story


Summer Strengths Builder


Wednesday 15th July 

Wednesday challenges

Year 5 Maths converting units of time

Year 4 Maths lines of symmetry

Year 4 reading comprehension

Year 5 reading comprehension

Continue the story


The Best Homework Ever!   How many of these activities can you complete over the summer?  


Thursday 16th July

Thursday challenges

Year 5 Maths timetables

Year 4 Maths Geometry - describe position

Year 4 reading comprehension

Year 5 reading comprehension


The Best Homework Ever! How many of these activities can you complete over the summer?  


Friday 17th July 

Friday challenges

Year 5 Maths

Year 4 Maths 

The Best Homework Ever! How many of these activities can you complete over the summer?  


Home Learning Tasks week beginning Monday 6th July 

Please refer to the documents below for daily English work this week:

Year 4 weekly English planning   Wallace & Gromit

Year 5 weekly English planning  Pixar Perfect 


Have a go at the July challenges.  How many can you complete throughout the month?  

July words for writing

July Maths Masters


Monday 6th July

Monday challenges

Fluent in 5 

Fluent in 5 answers

Year 5 Translation

Year 4 Angles

Comprehension Year 4  

Comprehension Year 5  

Geography A day to discover Amazing India!

Geography (Parent's Guide)


Tuesday 7th July 

Tuesday challenges  

Year 4 Maths Comparing angles

Year 5 Maths  Reflection

Fluent in 5 

Fluent in 5 answers

Year 4 reading comprehension

Year 5 reading comprehension

DT  Design skills


Wednesday 8th July 

Wednesday challenges

Year 4 reading comprehension

Year 5 reading comprehension 

Year 4 Maths  Quadrilaterals 

Year 5 Maths   Regular and irregular shapes 

Fluent in 5 

Fluent in 5 answers

History  What was life like in Benin?  



Thursday 9th July 

Thursday challenges 

Year 4 Maths  Triangles

Year 5 Maths   3D shapes

Year 4 reading comprehension

Year 5 reading comprehension

Science  Magnets

Fluent in 5 

Fluent in 5 answers 

Year 4 reading comprehension

Year 5 reading comprehension


Friday 10th July

Friday challenges 

Year 4 Maths

Year 5 Maths

Fluent in 5 

Fluent in 5 answers 

Year 4 reading comprehension

Year 5 reading comprehension

Art  Exciting paintings 

25 non-screen activities you can do at home 


Home Learning Tasks week beginning Monday 29th June 2020

Please refer to the documents below for daily English work this week:

Year 4 weekly English planning. 'Run Wild' by Gill Lewis

Year 5 weekly English planning Space part 2


Have a go at the July challenges.  How many can you complete throughout the month?  

July words for writing

July Maths Masters


Can you complete the rest of the challenges for this month?  Click the links below:  

June words for writing

June Maths Masters


Monday 29th June

Monday challenges

Run Wild - text for today's English Year 4

Official Astronaut's Handbook - text for today's English Year 5 

Cool Astronomy Facts - text for today's English Year 5 - you will need to refer to page 5 to help with today's task

Maths Year 5 - Angles on a straight line

Maths Year 4 - Interpreting charts recap

Fluent in 5

Fluent in 5 answers

Reading comprehension - Year 4

Reading comprehension - Year 5



Tuesday 30th June 

Tuesday challenges

Y4 reading comprehension

Y5 reading comprehension

Maths Year 5 - Angles at a point

Maths Year 4 - comparison charts 

Fluent in 5

Fluent in 5 answers

Anglo Saxon Art


Wednesday 1st July 

Wednesday challenges

Year 4 - text for today's English continue reading from page 9 to the end of the extract

Y4 reading comprehension

Y5 reading comprehension

Year 5 Maths - Measuring angles

Year 4 Maths - introducing line graphs 

Fluent in 5

Fluent in 5 answers



Thursday 2nd July 

Thursday challenges

Year 5 Maths - Drawing angles

Year 4 - Line graphs challenges

Fluent in 5 

Fluent in 5 answers

Year 4 reading comprehension

Year 5 reading comprehension


Friday 3rd July 

Friday challenges 

Year 4 statistics

Year 5 geometry 

Fluent in 5

Fluent in 5 answers 

Geography  Find out about Florida!



Other resources you may wish to use. Click the links below:

Home Reading tasks

Year 4 statutory spellings

Year 5 statutory spellings 


Home Learning Tasks week beginning Monday 22nd June 2020

Please refer to the documents below for daily English work this week:

Year 4 English weekly planning Water part 2 

Year 5 English weekly planning Space 


Have a go at the daily word and number challenges each day.  Click on the links below: 

June words for writing

June Maths Masters


Other resources you may wish to use

Home Reading tasks

Year 4 statutory spellings

Year 5 statutory spellings 


Monday 22nd June

Monday challenges 

Year 5 decimal recap

Year 4 money recap 

Fluent in 5 

Fluent in 5 answers

Non screen activities for home

Planetarium Junior Edition - Year 5 text for today's English

Picture News at home


Tuesday 23rd June

Tuesday challenges 

Year 4 Reading

Year 5 Reading 

Year 5 division recap

Year 4 amounts of money recap

Fluent in 5 

Fluent in 5 answers

Dr Maggie's grand tour of the Solar System - Year 5 text for today's English



Wednesday 24th June

Wednesday challenges

Year 5 reading 

Year 4 reading

Balloon to the moon - Year 5 text for today's English

Year 5 multiplying decimals recap

Year 4 comparing and ordering money recap
Fluent in 5

Fluent in 5 - answers

Geography - Rainforests 

Rainforests - help for Parents

Thursday 25th June

Thursday challenges


Katherine Johnson - Year 5 text for today's English

Fantastically Great Women Who Worked Wonders - Year 5 text for today's English

Year 5 Maths

Year 4 Maths 

Fluent in 5 

Fluent in 5 answers

Picture News task


Friday 26th June

Friday challenges

Year 5 Maths

Year 4 Maths

Fluent in 5 

Fluent in 5 answers

Year 4 reading comprehension

Year 5 reading comprehension 

Positive Footprints challenge - who are you? 


Home Learning Tasks week beginning Monday 15th June 2020


Please refer to the documents below for daily English work this week.

Year 4 English weekly planning. The Secret Lake by Karen Inglis

Year 5 English weekly planning   World War Two


Monday 15th June

Daily Challenges 

Maths - Year 4 

Maths - Year 5

Times tables Y4

Times tables Y5

Fluent in 5

Fluent in 5 answers Monday

Reading comprehension Y4

Reading comprehension Y5


Tuesday 16th June

Tuesday challenges

Times tables Y4

Times tables Y5

Fluent in 5 day 2

Fluent in 5 day 2 answers

Y4 decimal recap

Y5 converting units lesson 5 


Wednesday 17th June

Wednesday challenges

Y5 converting units lesson 6

Y4 Maths 

Positive Footprints Qualities Quest

Fluent in 5 - day 3

Fluent in 5 - day 3 answers


Thursday 18th June

Thursday challenges

Y4 Maths

Y5 Maths

Y4 answers

Y5 answers

Fluent in 5

Fluent in 5 answers

Times tables Y4

Times tables Y5

Year 4 Reading Comprehension

Year 5 Reading Comprehension


Friday 19th June

Friday challenges

Year 4 Reading Comprehension

Year 5 Reading Comprehension

Year 4 Maths

Year 5 Maths

Fluent in 5

Fluent in 5 answers

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Nelson St Philip's CE Primary School

Leeds Road, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 9TQ

School Bursar

T: 01282 614463


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