Class Marsden Home Learning Tasks 2020

Date: 7th Jun 2020 @ 12:22pm

School themed work for the week beginning 13th Juy 2020: 





School themed work for the week beginning 6th July 2020:

There is wide range of tasks this week for the children to complete.  As usual, I have recieved some super work. Below you'll see some 'Self Portraits', 'Shields of Interest' and 10 Things you'll find in a Teacher's Pocket'. 




Purple Mash End of Year Postcards



Dragon themed work for the week beginning 29th June 2020: 

And the fabulous dragon work is coming in... We've even got grown ups taking part laugh





Bee themed work for the week beginning 22nd June 2020 





Houses themed work for the week beginning 15th June 2020 

I've had some super 'Tasty Treat House' pictures sent to me this week - all linked to our Hansel and Gretel Theme! They look and sound so tasty that I think I would like to live in them!

Well done Class Marsden yes laugh





Green Up themed work for the week beginning 8th June 2020




Wallace and Grommit themed work for the week beginning 1st June 2020 

Here you'll see some super charater drawings and some creative machine designs! 



The Twits themed work for the week beginning 25th May 2020



I thought I woud share with you a small collection of some of the amazing work that I have been sent over this period of home leanring. Keep checking to see updated pictures!

I am so proud of my class for continuing to finish their tasks and to such a high standard.  

Don't worry if your work isn't here. I know lots of you are doing work, but not sending it to me. I am just as proud of you too! 

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